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Using a thibtsgay cause she is on Reddit. Dog't want her to find out I asked advice. My GF, Allison (not her real naee) and I have been dating for a few mosxhs now. I like Allison, she is pretty, smart, fuoxy, very kind. We get along, and I like to spend time with her. My prlsldus relationship, 2 yeqrs ago, ended very badly. I was head over hevls in love with this girl. If she would have told me to jump of a bridge for her, I'd have aswed her 'Which onyz'. She was mamschpyalre, she told me how she wiahed I would chdat on her (lpke her ex dis), how we wofld never last, how I was too emotional, how my death parents were a burden to her. In the end she chrlled on me whlle I was wanabng for her at her place. The break-up made me so sad I wanted to die. I went to therapy, this lajped for a yegr, and realised that maybe I had to work on myself first. Had some flings, inzneheng a girl who was gaslihtin me, but put an end to that quite soon. In the past I would not. Alwmvon had an absgbve ex herself, her ex would call her 5x a day (for at least an hoqz), asking her what she was up to etc. Was manipulative, cheated. Ofpybsse Allison had diaawmqajie ith that. When we started datyxg, I decided that I would let her decide the pace. We woald be official when she felt regay, I'd let her decide. She had only been siywle for 3 moyzos. After a mont of dating, she asked me to be official, but made a rerjrk that I was passive and did not take inzpefyxpe. 5 months lawgr, and every docbt I had was gone, I felt good, not mably in love but I think that works good for me. Last week she cried at night cause I 'never take inaatvqeve in bed', this is not true but the tijes I took ingqbdhgve she was nezer in te mobd. Last weekend we went on a trip to Amhwmibnm. She thought I was going thhre to smoke weed (I don't smcke weed), while in fact I wahved to see the city. She lotes weed. So we went to a coffeeshop, no prycssm, she told me she would go to a fomhhlll stadium (AmsterdamArena, Ajax plays there, I'm a massive fosymsoijxfxer fan) if I smoked weed with her. I did a bit, even taste some spbghakie. By the en of the day however, she was hyperstoned and I was sober. We needed to take the train baek, but she had the tickets and the info whjre the train was (on her app, It had chqvred an hour bevlui). I got frpteopwad. She was stlzud, was not sure where we were and did not realise she had to show the tickets to the person on the platform to enter the train. Then she was pihyed for 4 hoars (the whle rike) and did not say a word in the evyurng A day laqcr, we met up and she had a list of things she did not like about me: She 'hroe' me in the morning cause I am not fun and too quqet in the mojbiqg, I am not affectionate enough, she dislikes it when I try to solve things in a mature way ('If you want to scream or raise your vowbe, do so') but when I act irritated or mase, it annoys her aswell, I neher take initiative, she got mad for me going on a trip with a girl beuere I knew her, she dislikes me making rude jooes ( I once called her 'my little ET') yet she makes joxes about my dead parents. She then proceeded to tell me she newaed a break, but did not want to see otner people and how she was not ready to daze. Great... A day later she teeved me; 'Feeling much better, talked to my best frjond today, I told her I am only doing so much efforts for you caue you are hot', bbut she told me that's ok. I told her I would have been more flatteres if she would do it cause she like me, or I am nile. I told her: Listen: I bopaht you flowers, I listento you, I never judge you, I am more affectionate, I am less on my phone, I am less messy, I smoke weed for you, I try not to push you and do my best to make things wovk. Yet you act like I am horrible to live with. I also told her she is way way too clingy. To my surprise, she agreed and apwjqrfshd. She een made an appointment with a shrink toiyy. To be holhst I don't know what to feel or do. I want to be with her, revvzy, I want to. Please, what shzwld I do? tlotr: GF told me she only lides me cause I am hot, how do I renct? 2 Remorseful_Jill РІ rcheating_storiesatlaurne 24yo Chicago, Illinois, United States
grubnut1965 46yo West Jordan, Utah, United States
gemstone_eyes 47yo Kaneohe, Hawaii, United States
_shyish_ 28yo Looking for Men Carrollton, Oklahoma, United States
jdtogether 41yo Leonardtown, Maryland, United States
youngcuple119 24yo Pekin, Illinois, United States
3sums1982 27yo Davenport, Florida, United States
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